Monday, April 10, 2017

Semester 1 HONORS warm ups 2016-17

DateWarm-up #Question(s)
  • What was the age difference between you and the adult you asked to list 10 problems with the United States?
  • Did you and your adult have similar concerns about the U.S. or were they different? If they were different, do you think their concerns could affect you personally?
  • Reflect back to yesterday when we listed in class reasons to study history and your adults, and your concerns about the U.S. What things can we do to make the United States a pleasant country for our future child and grandchildren to live in?
9/8/20162Why is it important for newspapers and television news broadcast to exist? What type of information can readers/views learn from reading watching the news? 
9/9/20163Explain in detail one of the scariest moments of your life. How did you feel emotionally? Did you feel like eating, sleeping, crying, etc.?
9/12/20164Arrange these events in order from the oldest to the most current:
1920: Women were given the constitutional right to vote in elections.
1776: The United States declared independence from Great Britain.
1872: Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for the presidency of the United States.
2016: Hillary Clinton ran for the presidency of the United States for a second time. 
9/13/20165Describe what is a timeline. Why is it important for those who study history to use timelines? 
9/14/20166Describe a topic you previously learned in past social studies classes that may have interested you (in two sentences or more).
9/15/20167Describe how the Manifest Destiny belief shaped our country today (e.g. 13 colonies to 50 states). What do you think life would had been like today on the pieces of land that were not in the original 13 colonies had the United States had not occupied it?
9/16/20168If life in the United States is what it is like because of the Constitution, how would life be different if we didn’t have this document to live by?
9/19/20169Explain why you feel that the same Constitution has worked for the United States since 1778.
9/20/201610U.S. Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1, provides: No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.” Why do you think this was adopted? Can you name the president who was elected to four terms of office?
9/29/201611Ok fine Hillary I guess.PNG Girl I guess I'm with her 2016.PNG
Based on our discussion of women attempting to be president yesterday, do you feel the bumper sticker and the meme (to the left) is respectful of Hillary Clinton? Explain.
10/4/2016121. Rate your experience taking the Social Studies Pretest from 1 to 10 (1 being extremely hard; 10 being extremely easy).
2. Did you remember learning any of the vocabulary terms used in the test questions from 1st to 8th grade?
10/5/201613Explain your feelings towards police in your community. Do you respect the police in Detroit? Do you feel they respect you? Do you feel your opinion is based upon your race or gender?
Create procedures that police must follow before shooting a person. (For example, Step One: Calmly talk/reason with the person. Step Two: ???) When is it appropriate to forget step one in your procedures and immediately shoot a person? Should police shoot to kill or shoot to injure?    
10/11/201615Complete a KWL (What I KNOW, What I WANT to learn, and what I LEARNED) chart about President Obama. 
We started these questions yesterday. These answers should go in the U.S. history section in your binder. It will be a part of Binder Check #2. 

1. The significance of the 2008 election was that for the first time in history an African American person became president.
2. Filibuster means: an effort to prevent action in a legislature (such as the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives) by making a long speech or series of speeches.It would benefit someone who disagrees with a legislature because by the time they are finished with their speech, people are tired and don't feel like voting.
3. The Affordable Care Act prevents health insurance companies from charging sick/pregnant women more money for health insurance. It makes it affordable for everyone and children can stay on their parent's insurance until they are 26. If you do not have health insurance you will be charged a fee.
4. The Tea Party is different than traditional Republicans because they feel that the federal government spends too much money on government programs like Medicare and Social Security. 

According to the graph, what year was unemployment the highest according to this chart from the Bureau of Labor Statistics? What is the current unemployment rate? How did high unemployment rates contribute to the Great Recession?
10/20/201617If you could give President Obama advice about what he should do in his last days as being President, what advice would you give him? (For example: What things would you like to see him do concerning the economy, education, relief for Hurricane Matthew victims, immigration, the War on Terror, etc.)
Use a textbook to define:
  • Taliban
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Patriot Act
  • Department of Homeland Security
  1. Why would it be horrible for Weapons of Mass Destruction to be in the wrong hands?
  2. Why is it necessary for the Department of Homeland Security to work security at airports? 
10/25/201619Imagine that your city is about to struck by a major storm. What information do you need to know before the storm reaches you?
Describe what you did to study/prepare for the quiz on President Bush and Obama on Friday in class and at home? (For example: Did you read your notes, make flashcards, etc.)
1.Explain how the Family Medical Leave Act may have changed the way families interacted with newborn babies.
2. Look at the following chart and explain how the United States is different than other countries regarding maternity leaves:

Image result for maternity leave rates worldwide
1.Explain how history is different from other subjects such as math or science. How can history class be similar to English Literature class?
2.What is a main idea in a text?
3.What are supporting details in a text? How can knowing the difference between a main idea and supporting details help me understand what I should study?
  1. Name three facts you remember about Bill Clinton.
  2. Tomorrow is the big election day. Have you ever gone with your parents to vote in an election? Do you plan on going with them tomorrow?
  3. Bill Clinton could possibly be the first man to be married to the President of the United States. Traditionally, wives of the president are called the “First Lady.” What do you think Bill Clinton should be called should Hillary win?
11/10/201624Pretend the Internet, personal computers and cell phones never existed. How would you do the following:

1. Talk to your friend while you both are at your individual homes (both in the USA)
2. Find books at the library
3. Type a research paper
4. Listen to your favorite song on demand
5. Find out the phone number for a business
6. Talk to a friend in a foreign country
11/11/2016251. What is your favorite fruit?
2. Do you know what season (of year) your fruit is supposed to grow? Do you think it would be safe to eat this fruit all year if it does not naturally grow all year long in the United States?
3. If it is out of season to pick your favorite fruit in the United States, think of an idea to have it out of season. Where could you get the fruit from? (Hint: the answer is not the supermarket!)
1. Give an example of a career in a service economy.
2a. What career would you like to pursue after high school?
2b. Is this career in a service economy or a production economy?
3. If you don’t know what career you would like to pursue after high school, what talents do you have? 
Imagine that one of the main countries that supplies the world with gasoline was invaded by another country.
1. What do you think that would do to the supply of gas?
2. Assuming the US did not want to get involved in the matter militarily, how could US citizens get back and forth through their communities and across the country without gas? How would stores get products to sell to customers?
3. Assuming the US did get involved in the matter militarily, how could the US help the country who was
11/29/201628In your opinion, what qualities does the United States have that makes it one of the most power countries in the world?
11/30/201629What is the visual difference in these people?  
Would you like to live in a society where everyone had the same things (e.g. car, house, income)? Explain why or why not.
12/6/201631Explain at least two reasons why you believe the United States feared communism occurring in it’s borders. (Hint: Think about our game Friday and yesterday. What was the difference in people and how much money they had.)
12/9/201632First Hour: Answer the “Immigration Changes America” question on Page 722. Seventh Hour: The following men have been president over the past few years: Obama (Democrat), Bush, Jr. (Republican), Clinton (Democrat), Bush, Sr. (Republican), Reagan (Republican), Carter (Democrat), Ford (Republican), Nixon (Republican). By reflecting on what you have learned in class so far (problems/events), explain the pattern of political parties of the presidents.
12/13/201633(1) Did you enjoy your snow day?  (2) Do you trust that the Obama Administration did everything in the best interest of the US?   (3) Are you willing to trust the leadership of President-Elect Trump?
12/14/201634First Hour: Read the Infographic on Pages 730-731 and answer the two Thinking Critically questions on Page 731 (The green section and the white box with dates).

Seventh Hour: You will do this for homework. Click here for a print out of what's in the book:
12/15/201635Why do you think it is important for US citizens to have the freedom of press (to publish newspapers, magazines, TV shows without the permission of the government)? 
12/19/201636When writing articles, papers, and persuasive pieces, you should always have at minimum three paragraphs: an introduction, the body, and a conclusion. What is the purpose of each?
If you could ask President Nixon any question during the period of time before he resigned, what would it be?
12/21/201638What role did Richard Nixon and his top aides (the 5 men) play in the Watergate scandal?
12/22/2016391. Did Nixon deserve the treatment he received? (Impeachment) Why or why not?
2. Do you think the Supreme Court and Congress fulfilled their proper roles (separation of powers)?
3. How did Watergate test the American system of government? What were the positive and negative results of Watergate for the nation as a whole?
12/23/201640Out of all the units we have covered in class thus far, which one did you find most interesting (or you felt you could relate to) and why?
  • The 2016 Presidential Election
  • Black Lives Matter
  • The Obama Administration
  • The Bush Jr. Administration
  • The Clinton Administration
  • Changes in Technology
  • The Bush Sr. Administration
  • The Reagan Administration
  • The Carter and Ford Administration
  • The Nixon Administration
DateWarm-up #Question(s)

Review from your older notes the differences between capitalism and communism (from the YouTube video shown around December). Explain why you believe America saw communism as a threat.
2/9/20172Based on the line graph, why might African American recruits be unhappy with the draft?
2/13/20173What does the following quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. mean to you: “It was sending their sons and their brothers and their husbands to fight and die in extraordinary high proportions relative to the rest of the population…We have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools.”?  
2/14/20174If the internet and cell phones did not exist, what could you use to get around Detroit so you could accurately get to a desired destination?
2/21/20175Which of the 5 Themes of Geography are these pictures an example of and why?

What grade did you begin your education (head start, preschool, kindergarten, 1st Grade)? What do you remember learning during your first year of school? Describe how you have built upon that knowledge up until today.
2/207/20177President Johnson was in favor of the creation of the Job Corps program (a program that helps 16-24 year olds develop job skills). This program was created in 1964 and still exist today. Should the government use tax dollars for this program? Why is it important to the U.S. as a whole for this program to still be in existence?
2/28/20178Which philosophy do you agree with and why:
A) It does not matter what color or socioeconomic status you are; if you work hard enough opportunities will come to you. If you can’t achieve great things, you are not trying hard enough.
B) It doesn’t matter how hard you try…if you are not of a certain demographic you won’t go far in life.
Explain why it was important to President Kennedy to send an American citizen to the moon before 1970.
Make a KWL (What I Know - What I Want to Learn - What I Learned) Chart about the Civil Rights Movement
Who is Emmett Till? Why did his death make many African Americans upset?
Students are to write the questions and answers to the literacy test into their binders. You will have 10 minutes to complete it.
Which of the states listed in the table had the largest increase in electoral registration between 1964 and 1968? 
African American Voter Registration 
(Percentage of African Americans registered to vote)

What is the difference between de jure and de facto segregation? Do you think we would still have Jim Crow laws if the Civil Rights Movement never happened?

Why was the Civil Rights Movement centered in the southern states in the U.S.?
How do you think the South and the North responded to the Voting Rights Act of 1965? Explain.